SuiteScript 2.0 Using Visual Studio Code IDE
1.Compare file with NetSuite
2.Push file to NetSuite
3.Pull file from Netsuite
4.Delete file in Netsuite

Step 1: Download and install Visual Studio Code software from the following link Visual Studio Code Download
Step 2: After Installing open the Visual Studio code, On left side panel of VS-Code click Extensions.
Step 3: Search for "Netsuite Upload" extension and install it.
Step 4: Create/Choose a local folder from your local in which you gonna work and save the files.
Step 5: Click Download Extension on ther right side of the page in this link NetSuite Upload Extension files
Step 6: Extract the file in the Choosed local folder/Newly Created folder.
Step 7: Upload netSuiteRestlet/vscodeExtensionRestlet.js file somewhere in the SuiteScripts folder in NetSuite
Step 8: Create and deploy RESTlet using the file mentioned above, once you deploy Copy the Externl URL.
Step 9: Now open the folder in the Visual Studio Code. which you have created.
Step 10: update the settings.json inside the .vscode folder copy the below code and replace it with this and add your credentials
	// Authentication header
	"netSuiteUpload.authentication": "NLAuth nlauth_account=<ACCOUNTID>, nlauth_email=<LOGIN>,
	 nlauth_signature=<PASSWORD>, nlauth_role=<ROLE>", 
// Restlet URL (External URL) which you have copied. "netSuiteUpload.restlet": "<RESTlet URL>",
// Temporary folder (e.g. C:\\temp) - used for storing you .js file "netSuiteUpload.tempFolder": "<TEMP FOLDER PATH>" }
Step 11 create your own folder or create a yourFileName.js file.
Step 12: press(Ctrl-Shift-P) and type define..., choose your script type and hit enter
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