SuiteScript is a JavaScript-based API which allows the developers to extend NetSuite features. SuiteScript 2.0 is completly based on modules. A module consists of a block of code to implement a particular functionality, that can be invoked in the way how function or method is invoked.

		  // SuiteScript 1.0                   //SuiteScript 2.0
		nlapiSetFieldValue                    "N/record" Module
		nlapiSearchFilter                     "N/search" Module
		nlapiDeleteFile                       "N/file"  Module
In Suite Script 1.0 there is no concept of module. All the APIs will get loaded for every single script globally, whether you actually utilize the APIs or not in your Script. Check out the above image.

Now SuiteScript 1.0 API functions are broken into different NetSuite modules [ record, https, search, currentRecord, etc.. ] So when you write a script, you can include the specific modules which you gonna use.which prevents the scripts from loading more number of functionality which we are not going to utilize.
Below is the SuiteScript code without using any module
				 //JSDoc comment : Helps in finding out version and SuiteScript type.
				 *@NApiVersion 2.x
				 *@NScriptType ClientScript
				define([], function () {
					function sampleSuiteScript(context) {
						alert("sample SuiteScript 2.0");
					return {
						pageInit: sampleSuiteScript

Below is the SuiteScript code using "N/ui/message" module

			@NApiVersion 2.x
			@NScriptType ClientScript
			define(["N/ui/message"], function (message) {
				function sampleSuiteScript() {
						title: "Message Module",
						message: "Successfully loaded the message module",
						type: message.Type.CONFIRMATION
				return {
					pageInit: sampleSuiteScript

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